customers RECOMMEND

"I was surprised how sturdy this is, and that it was actually able to hold up my Ipad. I have a case on it too, and it still fit and held just fine. Just make sure you clean the surface good first, that makes a big difference. If you do not clean first, it will likely fall. The mount is adjustable at every angle, which is handy for all types of dashboards and lets you set up for your best view. You can adjust without removing the mount. The clamp for the Ipad is easy to open and holds tight."
"This is a simple, sturdy tablet holder that is well-made and does its job well. I have only two cautions. One, I wish that the locking mechanism for the arm were a little stronger. Two, you need a completely flat dash for the suction cup to hold properly. Nonetheless, for this price point, this is a decent option for light automotive use. I would not recommend it for a plane, or anywhere with a lot of bumpy motion. (Look at the RAM mounts for those scenarios.)."
Joshua Villines
"I've had alot of mounts that my phone (Galaxy S10 Plus) just falls right off of. This one however is very sturdy and has a strong magnet. I also like that this one is taller then the ones I've had in the past. I can sit it in both positions with no problem. Definitely recommend and will be buying another one very soon since my son has already tried to get mine an hour after it was delivered."
Christy Clark
"This is the best car mount by far. The fact that it flexes to fit the curves of my dashboard makes me want to give it 100 stars The magnet is very strong and my phone doesn't go flying off when I make sharp turns or have to brake unexpectedly. Has stayed attached in the triple-digit heat here in California. This fits my 2012 Kia Soul Exclaim."
"has a strong magnet to keep your phone in place. very simple to put together."
Angel Perez

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